Back to College Tag 2016

Hello you beauties!

It is that time of the year again where everyone is getting ready to go back to school and college. I, too, am getting ready for another year at Sixth Form, so I thought that this post was extremely appropriate.

I have adapted this tag slightly, as I could only find back to school ones, and as college/sixth form and school are quite different, I needed to change some of the questions slightly. I still hope you all enjoy this tag and I hope you all take part in this too!

1. What date do you start back?
I start back on Friday 9th September (which also happens to be my birthday)

2. What year will you be going into?
I will be starting year 13, but will be my 3rd year at college, as I have had to do year 12 twice.

3. What do you study? 
I study 3 A Level subjects - English Literature, English Language and Mathematics

4. What is your favourite subject?
My favourite of the three has to be English Literature. I have loved this subject for years and years.

5. What is your least favourite subject?
While I don't dislike any of these subjects, I do find Mathematics to be the hardest of the three.

6. What does your usual day look like?
During the school day, we have two 50 minute periods, and then a 25 minute break. This is then followed by another two 50 minute periods, followed by a 50 minute lunch break. Then we have yet another two 50 minute periods then it is time to go home. However, I do not always have lessons every single period, but I do usually spend my free periods at college catching up on work or doing extra work.

7. What is your favourite thing about college/sixth form?
My favourite thing about sixth form is being able to study the subjects that I enjoy, rather than subjects that I have no choice but to study.

8. What is your least favourite thing about college/sixth form?
My least favourite thing has to be the stress that comes with the studying. We are always determined to do so well that sometimes we let our studies take over our lives and people have been known to get extremely ill due to the stress.

9. What are you most excited about this school year?
I am really looking forward to finally applying for university. I should've started university this month, but unfortunately due to having to retake year 12, I am a year behind things than I should be. But hopefully I shall be starting university in the fall of 2017.

10. What are you most nervous about this school year?
I nervous about my exams, as I need them to go extremely well this school year to have any chance of being able to go to university.

11. What are your plans after you leave college?
I hope to study English Literature with Creative Writing at the University of Brighton once I have finished college. And then after that I would love to be a journalist and hopefully a published author eventually.

12. Any helpful revision tips?
Don't do too much revision in one go. I know that it is tempting to want to cram as much as you can into one night every night, but everyone knows that it won't help long term. If you're studying A Levels, create a schedule and focus on one area of one subject a night. And make sure you have plenty of breaks (even if they're only 10 minute breaks to go and get some fresh air and a drink) otherwise you'll get way too stressed out about everything. If you're a visual learner like me, I find that diagrams and colour coding really help, and flash cards are brilliant for learning new terminology. If you want a whole post about revision tips, then just let me know in the comments!

So that was my back to college/sixth form tag, and I tag you all to do this too!

I will be back on Wednesday with another post for you all!

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