10 Things I Love About Autumn

Hello you beauties!

We are well into the autumn season now, and so I thought I would give you a break from beauty posts and tell you my favourite things about Autumn.

1. Hot Chocolate - I am not usually a fan of hot drinks, as I don't drink coffee or tea, so when the weather cools down, I love spending my nights in front of TV with a mug of gorgeous hot chocolate.

2. Cardigans - I love those big, cosy, knitted cardigans, and they're perfect for the autumn and winter months.

3. Wearing Uggs - Despite people's negative opinions of these shoes sometimes, I really do love wearing uggs to keep my feet warm.

4. Rainy days - While rain isn't the best for me now seeing as I cycle everywhere, I do love it when it rains sometimes. Not thunderstorm rain, just gentle, relaxing rain.

5. Blankets - these go perfect with the hot chocolate too. Sometimes the heating in the house may not be enough, and I need to cuddle up with a nice fluffy blanket too.

6. Crisp Air - the one thing I hated most about the Summer was the fact that the air always seemed stuffy, so I love the nature of the crisp air throughout Autumn. I can breathe again!

7. Scarves - We need something to keep our necks warm! I love going out shopping for new scarves every autumn and of course I love wearing them too!

8. Cinnamon Candles - While I usually light these scents of candles more during the winter months, I do love having cinnamon candles during autumn as I just relate it so much to the colder days.

9. Bonfires - While I'm not a fan of fireworks, having a nice bonfire is something I always love. Is there really a better way to spend time with friends during the dark nights of autumn?

10. Toffee Apples - Especially where I live, we get a lot of fairs visiting the city during autumn and I love nothing more than eating a toffee apple as I enjoy absorbing the exciting energy around me.

And one thing I hate about autumn: Halloween! This may be an unpopular opinion, but I just genuinely do not like Halloween. I was very shy as a kid, so Trick-or-Treating was not always something I enjoyed, and as I have gotten older, I have either been working on Halloween or just not been bothered about doing anything. This year I will be going to my first ever Halloween party so maybe this will make me love Halloween, but until then, I really do not like it.

So those were the things I love about autumn. Let me know what you love about autumn! Also, let me know if you hate Halloween too - I've never met anyone who doesn't like it.

I'll be back on Saturday with the last post of the month for you all!

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